Last days of programs for select on Pokerstars?
Yes, this is already reliably known - there will be another restrictions on the auxiliary software for playing poker at Pokerstars. We announced this earlier, but everything was more at the level of rumors, but now there is no doubt about the seriousness of the intentions of the Starzov management. At the same time, the main sanctions will be imposed on the programs to find the best tables. Read about this and other changes after March 1 below.
Changes regarding table selection software.
- any tool or service for manipulating opponents in games where you cannot choose a specific table for the game is prohibited (for example, Spin & Go tournaments);
- any tool or service is prohibited that helps to more effectively filter the games / tables available for selection, based on the player's statistics or notes on him (including color marks);
- any tool or service that automates boarding or queuing based on player statistics or notes (including color cues) is prohibited;
- programs for Pokerstars are allowed, which put you on a given number of tables, excluding opponents.
Changes regarding macros and hotkeys
- any utilities that postpone an action for a specified time are prohibited. For example, the TimeMojo program has such a function;
- tools that randomly determine the size of the bet and make it are prohibited.
- In general, now any function that reduces the participation of a person in the performance of any action is illegal. If you want to randomly place your bet, roll the dice :)
Poker Chart Changes
Now any charts of 13 * 13 size with more than 9 matrixes are prohibited. Naturally, these charts should not give out any auto-suggestions.
Changes to poker trackers and HUDs
The most significant changes in such programs for Pokerstars affected Hand2Note. Now its positional HUD, which had the function of changing depending on the position and size of the stacks, is prohibited. However, some functions are still allowed:
- automatic change of HUD when changing the level of blinds in tournaments;
- automatic change of HUD when the game transitions to the Heads Up stage
- also, most likely, manual change of the HUD will remain available (for example, by hotkeys)
Summing up, we can conclude that now almost any automated selection in cash games will be impossible. This will affect tournaments to a lesser extent, since there initially select is very problematic due to the fact that there are many tournaments, as well as participants in it. Having a few weak players in any MTT tournament, even for a small number of players, will not give you any special advantage.
The rest of the changes, which are not directly related to the selection, are not so significant for the bulk of regular players to say that something irreparable has happened. After rakeback at Pokerstars was actually canceled, all zero or low-plus regulars went to poker rooms with the best recback, so the desire of the Pokerstars management is now to infringe on the rights of winning players. The cancellation of the selection is a strong step in this direction. Now we either select manually or are looking for rooms where TableScan Turbo and other similar programs are allowed. Fortunately, there are still many such rooms.
If you already have some kind of base of weak players, then in our store there is a wonderful program called Smart Buddy. Its main function is to track the appearance of these players online and at the same time it shows you exactly which tables they are at.