GTO+ update: additional import formats and feature extensions
The developer of GTO+ created several iconic poker programs: Flopzilla, CardRunners EV calculator and GTO+ Short Deck. If Flopzilla dominates among equity calculators, and GTO+ Short Deck is one of the few programs for poker with a short deck, then GTO+ has many competitors. To keep the solver up to date, the developer puts a lot of effort and constantly refines it.
What has been added in the latest version?
The creator of GTO+ isn't known for loud press releases. You can find out about the new features of the program only on the official website of the software. Here's a list of updates:
- The editor has made it so that our range is displayed even when the opponent has no hands left.
- The amounts of bets in the "Play Against Solution" are now shown in percent too.
- Increased the "Next Hand" field in Play Against Solution.
- Added a switch for absolute/relative value when displaying combinations/percentages in statistics.
- Included option "Apply extensive storage to all files in directory" in "Process all files in directory" function.
- The software now supports the format for importing .json.
- Double-clicking on statistics applies the selection to all hands, not just current hands. In situations where some hands didn't make it to the turn or river.
- When the stats overlap, double-clicking on the overlap selects only the hands in it.
Work has also been done to fix minor bugs.
Why pay attention to GTO+?
GTO+ is a development of the Cardrunners EV calculator. The first version of the program was released over 5 years ago: September 18, 2017. The software is still relevant today thanks to:
- Intuitive interface. Many solvers sacrifice usability for functionality, but GTO+ combines clarity and a large set of tools.
- Speed. Due to elaborate algorithms, the software spends not dozens of minutes, but a few seconds for tree building. In most situations, the accuracy of calculations does not differ from the results of other solvers.
- Space saving. Trees weigh kilobytes, not megabytes.
- Price. In terms of price to quality ratio, the solver repeats the story with Flopzilla. For only $75, the player gets a convenient tool for learning a balanced game.
- Integration with Flopzilla. The developer has linked their products together, which allows you to analyze the hand from all sides.
Solver interacts only with Flopzilla Pro. It does not support the old version of the calculator
You can try GTO+ for free. Not all features work in it, but you will be able to assess the potential of the solver. Download the program from the official site.
Why buy software from PokerEnergy?
In favor of buying on PokerEnergy, there are two arguments:
1. We give reward points for every program you buy. They allow you to save money on your next orders.
2. If you buy some of the programs from our catalog, we give others for free. For instance, Hand2Note Pro has a free license for GTO+.
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