Chico did not cancel the HUD - you just thought!
Two weeks ago, Chico Poker Network players began to receive letters containing a warning about the inadmissibility of using auxiliary software during the game. At the same time, the security service of the poker rooms TigerGaming, BetOnline, SportsBetting referred to a clause in the rules that prohibits making decisions using any other tools, except for the brain of the player and the client of the room.
In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”
The vague wording and the general trend towards improving the poker environment have traditionally caused panic and outrage from regular poker players. And the reason is simple - one of the interpretations of this verbal construction meant that the HUD of any tracking software also fell under the ban. After all, trackers themselves collect information about the hands played and the opponents' play.
What did they really mean?
The introduction of a ban on the use of programs for collecting and analyzing statistics looked rather controversial from the beginning: there was no official statement from representatives of the Chico poker network; the only way to convey the most important information was letters to ordinary players from the technical support of the rooms themselves. Another stumbling block was the permission of Hand2Note and the prohibition of PT4 with HM2. There was no scent of consistency and uniformity on the part of Chico Poker Network representatives in relation to poker programs.
The most sane players, before fanning the abyss of scandal and hastily collecting things, decided to ask a direct question: "Is it forbidden to use poker software that collects statistics on opponents in general and HUD in particular?" There were many such letters and the security service responded to ALL that the use of trackers was not subject to a ban.
As it turned out, the distribution of "letters of happiness" was triggered not by the tracking software itself, but by the modules built into them. That is, the client of the room found the presence of an add-on in your HM2 in the form of SnowieApp and signaled about inappropriate activity and violation of the rules. Even if the built-in poker program itself was not used during the game.
Now we can safely say that professional poker players have blown away. This time. The Chico Network allows poker players to use software that collects and analyzes statistics and contains a HUD. This is pretty good news.
Whatever one may say, but the active use of poker software in the face of Hand2Note, Holdem Manager 2, Poker Tracker 4 allows you to maximize value in each hand. This is not to mention the work on your game, which, without sensibly collected information about the hands played, is extremely difficult to carry out. It is not at all superfluous to study the fundamental works of Alan Schoonmaker, Doctor of Psychology: "Your worst poker enemy", "Your best poker friend", allowing you to look at our and the enemy's behavior of poker players from a different angle.