Holdem Manager 3 in Russian: where to download?
Holdem Manager 3 was fully released almost 3 months ago. Many Holdem Manager 2 users decided to wait and not switch to the new version of poker software right away. The reason is simple - a large number of bugs and errors that occur at the start of almost any software. From our previous texts about a lot of updates, it becomes obvious that the excerpt was a wise decision. Now Holdem Manager 3 is very different for the better from its starting version.
“Where can I download Holdem Manager 3 in Russian?” Is one of the most popular questions in our online chat. Many users are truly perplexed when they cannot find a version in their own language. They proceed from the fact that somewhere on the official website of Holdem Manager 3 there should be a page with a choice of separate installation files for each language. This kind of difficulty and misunderstanding arises due to the declared 14 languages supported by the new tracker. In Holdem Manager 2 everyone had to use exclusively English.
There is no separate installer version for each language. Instead, you can change the language settings in Holdem Manager 3.
How to configure Russian (or any other language) in HM3:
- Launch Holdem Manager 3;
- Click on the Tools tab (upper left corner);
- In the pop-up window there will be a line Language, where you can select any language from the list.
- Click OK, saving the selected language.
If you have not decided finally whether to buy Holdem Manager 3, we recommend using the trial program. Free Holdem Manager 3 can be downloaded from the official website of the developer.