Получаем преимущество посредством датамайнинга
In online poker, competition is growing every month. To have at least some superiority over your opponents, especially at medium and high limits, you will need serious work on your own game, constant analysis of the sessions played, hands, discussion on forums and with other players, reading up-to-date information, viewing the waters of famous coaches.
It takes a lot of time and not everyone is capable of this kind of stable work. In this case, other ways come to the rescue that would help online poker players who are eager to gain an advantage over their opponents. Datamining is one such method.
What is Datamining?
Datamining is essentially collecting (mining) hand histories (played hands) of opponents, and without your direct participation at the table. This means that you can see all the information you need about your opponents' hands as if you were collecting these hands using PokerTracker or Holdem Manager.
Imagine that you have access to the data of your most dangerous opponents. Would this give you an advantage? Certainly. Moreover, we are talking about poker for money, and not for the notorious "play money".
Previously, datamining was carried out by the players themselves through special aggregator programs that automatically collect played hands or use a ready-made huge and constantly updated database. But such programs were quickly banned in all poker rooms, so this option is not only not the most effective, but also the most dangerous.
Datamining resources
Recently, large resources have appeared on the Internet that sell hand histories. Even sites like PokerTableRatings have started this business, although they previously provided paid access to an already analyzed database of mined hands. You can purchase several thousand hands, or several hundred thousand at once, and receive them on a regular basis. On our website you can purchase mining on ptr.
Various datamining resources cover different poker rooms. Naturally, everyone tries to include the largest or most relevant ones, so in this regard, you will have to look for the resource you need, which has the necessary and fresh information.
On the other hand, not all data mining sites are equally effective - they operate on different technological bases, in other words, they mine in different ways, so the efficiency may vary. First of all, this affects the ratio of mined hands to the total number of hands. This indicator is not always equal to 100%, but in any case, even partial information can serve as the basis for competent conclusions about the game of this or that opponent. One way or another, please contact us and we will select the best option for you.
Benefits of datamining
With the help of datamining, you can immediately see the style in which your opponent is playing, his wins / losses, all his statistics, which means that you see right through the opponent. Having collected enough hands on one of the players, you will know his weaknesses, which you can effectively exploit. It sounds, of course, cruel, but what can you do? Poker becomes a small pool with white sharks swimming in it, so you need to arm yourself to the teeth.
Datamining will also allow you to identify losers and the most dangerous regulars with whom you should not even sit at the same table. By spending part of your profit to buy the required number of hands, you are thereby investing, investing your money in future victories. You know that you will have valuable and, importantly, relevant information on the game of your opponents.