Poker Pro Labs adds online manuals and tutorials
PokerProLabs is one of the leading developers of advanced software in the poker industry. Whatever limits or varieties of poker you play, you can find the right software solution for you to improve your game at the tables.
Recently, PokerProLabs added a software user manual and video tutorials to the online service, which will make the software even more accessible to the poker community.
Poker Calculator Pro sells for only $ 49.99 and is one of the best poker software deals in the world. The program is an advanced odds calculator that has all the information a user may need to make a decision in the most difficult situations. The software has full support for no-limit hold'em tables, as well as automatic detection of good and bad opponents at your table. The software is very flexible in customization, so you can choose the parameter values as you wish, depending on your playing style. In addition, it is possible to simultaneously use the HUD to display information directly on the table being played. Using the HUD, you can display information about the hand being played, possible actions and the chances of winning in this situation. All statistics and information are updated and displayed in real time, PokerCalculatorPro will tell you when to raise, call, fold, or even when to bluff.
The software supports the largest online poker rooms including PokerStars, FullTiltPoker and PartyPoker. The software supports both tournament and cash tables for limit and no-limit hold'em.
You can buy PokerCalculatorPro on our website for $ 49.99, and you can also find a free trial version of the program there if you want to try the software before buying it. For those looking to get a great deal, you can get a lifetime free software license using our proprietary Poker Software offerings for free.
Touranment Shark is a tool designed specifically for tournament players. With this application, you will have a sufficient understanding of the opponent, based on the display of the opponent's rating and the results of the tournaments played. The software is automatically attached to the open poker table window of most well-known poker rooms. The HUD immediately recognizes opponents' names and provides information on their ranking and more, as soon as you take your place at a new table. The software will display data showing how often players (including you) have finished multi-table and sit-and-go tournaments in early, middle and late positions.
Tournament Shark displays the rating of each player based on their level of play; using filters you are given the opportunity to adjust the amount of displayed information for each of the opponents separately.
If you would like to see Tournament Shark in action, you should visit the software page on our website. This product is divided into several price categories, you can get a monthly subscription starting from $ 7.99 per month or purchase a license for $ 49.99.
Holdem Profiler's official website features two great videos that showcase all the software's capabilities, including downloading played hands, viewing stats, and using the HUD. Holdem Profiler offers free use of the service for the first 10,000 hands, then you will have to pay a nominal fee for using their servers to store data.
An additional application to Holdem Profiler - Super HUD, has free access to use and supports collaboration with Top Shark Pro. Speaking of Top Shark, it can be noted that this software is the most highly rated of the whole range of programs that PokerProLabs offers. It can be used to find information and statistics on multi-table and sit-and-go games of most of the famous poker rooms. The site also has the ability to create a profile, upload photos, add autobiographical information and brief information about the player.
Top Shark allows you to flexibly customize the displayed charts, view the results of the last ten games in graphical form and see the five largest wins of the profile owner, for a more complete picture of the player. Using links, graphics and player data can be inserted into blogs. In addition, Top Shark ranks players using its ranking system and proprietary rank display to identify strong and weak players. And the best part is that you don't need any fees to use this service. But for those who wish to purchase an extended premium Top Shark account called Top Shark Pro, a store is open. With it, you will take a fresh look at the game at the tables, exploring your opponents.
As soon as you decide to purchase a product, the first step is to check out our Free Poker Software, which will surely help you save a few bucks.