NoteCaddy Edge Adds Aggression Stat Pop-Up
NoteCaddy Edge always listens to users' opinions and looks for ways to improve their products. The developers have already released a fresh update for NoteCaddy Edge - the Hold'em Essentials Package, which contains several new options.
NoteCaddy Edge is an advanced application for Holdem Manager 2 and NoteCaddy Premium. This program provides badges, definitions and graphics designed to help you adjust to your opponents so that they don't even see flaws in their game.
NoteCaddy Edge has separate packages for SNGs, Multi-Table Tournaments and Cash Games.
For cash games, there are separate packages for Omaha and Hold'em. The Hold'em package is divided into a basic package (for those who don't need a lot of data) and a full package. At the same time, the basic one costs half as much as the full one - $ 99 compared to $ 199.
Although there is detailed documentation with explanations of badges and definitions, the latest update to the base package has additional documentation for each color definition, as well as a short description in the badge pop-ups. Anything that accelerates understanding of the program will help users read information faster and allow them to focus on optimally exploiting their opponents.
The latest update also includes changed definitions and new HUD acronyms. Both that, and another simplifies the practical use of the program.
There were other HUD changes in the new release, including the addition of a new popup for aggression indicators and the replacement of the 4bet Total stat with 4bet Range. In addition, a new HM2 indicator - Call 3bet Range - has been added to the popup for Fold to 3bet.
NoteCaddy Edge has also added a new auto-rating rule system for TableScanner users. When your programs work in coordination with each other, it definitely makes your life easier and, in this case, helps you determine the most profitable tables to play.
NoteCaddy Edge prides itself on its customer support and free updates for all users. This developer constantly keeps his finger on the pulse of changes in rooms and НМ2.