ClubGG converter update: more tables and Hand2Note integration
The ClubGG mobile poker room has fewer players than PPPoker or PokerBros. However, interest to the app is growing. Parallel to the popularity of the room, poker software developers are also gaining momentum. We have already told about the appearance of the converter for ClubGG, now let's look at its latest update.
What new features has been added to the converter?
The key function of the ClubGG converter is displaying statistics and HUD during the session. But the converter has an additional advantage - it doubles the number of tables for simultaneous play. The ClubGG client limits multi-tabling to 4 tables but with the converter you can open up to 8 tables. In the latest update, multi-tabling is upgraded even more. The new version of the converter supports simultaneous play from multiple accounts. From now on the number of tables is limited only by the power of your hardware.
Many players use Hand2Note to display statistics and ClubGG converter is used to expand multi-tabling options. By their requests, we added a button to disable built-in HUD. One tool is responsible for statistics and another one for multi-tabling. Now they do not interfere with each other.
The developer also improved converter's security. When you run multiple ClubGG accounts, the converter creates visibility of the game from different devices. Update helps to avoid interest from the room security service. Simultaneous play of 4 accounts from 1 device looks suspicious. Poker at 16 tables from 4 different devices does not cause questions.
H2N with the converter displays statistics without paid subscriptions
The final novelty - the button to reset the saved login and password. Users of the converter will not have to delete data each time you start a session.
How to try the converter for free?
The developer provides a free version for 3 days. It works without any functional limitations. To get the trial version, contact support team.
This converter works with ClubGG desktop client. It supports all popular poker trackers: Holdem Manager 2, PokerTracker 4, Holdem Manager 3, Hand2Note.
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