First impressions of the updated select on Pokerstars
Several days have passed since the introduction of revolutionary restrictions on finding weak opponents at the tables on our beloved Pokerstars. And, therefore, we can summarize the first results and share our impressions of using the truncated functionality of the most popular select software.
Here the developers made a knight's move and simply did not send the updated version for verification to the Pokerstars security service until March 4. Well, or Stars simply lost this program among a bunch of others, since the developer posted an updated version of the program on his website, while SharkyStrator is still banned until the required approval procedure for changes has been passed. Stay on the line - we will call you back (s).
Magic seat
The creators of this landing script reacted in a peculiar way to the updated security policy on the part of the Stars: they cut down the program's functionality and now it - drum roll - puts you at the table next to the one who sat down at the table with two already sitting at the table. Ornate, isn't it? In fact, the Magic seat developers proceeded from the assumption that a hobby player always sits at a table with two regulars and the third, and therefore we are placed in the most convenient position in relation to the newcomer. They called it the +1 rule. Certain doubts are caused by the logic, where a weak player sits in third, and not second in the newly created table, as usually happens on other rooms or in other networks. Let's write off that “Pokerstars has its own atmosphere” and all other rooms are not so progressive.
Before adapting to the improved policy of Stars, perhaps the best software for selecting CIS tournaments. Detailed, taking into account many criteria and allowing you to choose opponents to your liking. Now the search for tournaments by color marks, nicknames and Sharkscope statistics has been forcedly canceled. The bottom line is now the program is able to land us at the selected empty tables in automatic mode (which is quite useful for HU SNG players). In addition, it supports reading Sharkscope statistics on players sitting in the lobby. However, a short list of all the features of the program from the developer's website:
- Automatic registration in tournaments
- Automatic viewing of the list of tournaments
- Finding empty tables (useful for HU SNG players)
- Automatic reading of SharkScope statistics for players in the lobby
- Statistics highlighting (to quickly determine if it is good or bad)
- Flexible setting of criteria for determining the strength of players
- Automatic confirmation of HU revenge
- Automatic color coding
- "Embedding" the SharkyScanner window in the client lobby
In addition, apparently due to a change in Pokerstars policy, now SharkyScanner subscription options are not divided into "Without SharkScope function" and "With SharkScope function". All subscriptions now come without SharkScope by default. However, you can purchase a subscription to this service separately and continue using both tools at once, even if in a truncated mode.
But there is no HUD without good: realizing that the program has now seriously lost in its original functionality, the developers have seriously reduced the prices for all subscription options.
Oddly enough, however, the TST suffered less than others. At the moment, it even looks like the people using TableScan Turbo have lost the competition from the landing scripts, but retained the opportunity for almost the same selection. Now the Autowaitlist function does not work in the program, which was previously automatically queued up to fish from the list. The Start Autowaitlist button itself remained in place, only now when you press it, nothing happens, the program simply does not put you in the queue. Moreover, if you enter the queue manually, then when the Autowaitlist function is enabled, the kind TableScan will automatically drop you out of this queue. In general, we can say that Autowaitlist now works in mirror mode - it does not put you in the queue, but drops you out of them. Agree, none of the programs can boast of such original functionality!
But jokes aside. Now for the good. Filtering opponents according to the criteria you specified has not gone anywhere! Compared to what the next few competitors of Tablescan offer, this is a real gem. Now you do not need to search through all tables in the lobby looking for a suspicious player with an incomplete stack or, for example, playing one table - the program will do it for you. You just have to click the Join waitlist button and you are already in the queue for the character you need! Just don't click Autowaitlist, otherwise the joy will be short-lived. Or you can immediately select the entire list of filtered players, right-click, select Join waitlists and you will sit down for all the queues at once. Since this will not be considered an automatic landing in the queue, there are obviously no violations of the new rules here.
The developers of this program, PokerPro Labs, have not released any update either by 1 or 4 March. This may automatically mean that the functionality of this program has not suffered in any way from the restrictions introduced. The program is not on the list of prohibited for use on PokerStars, so you can use it without any fears or restrictions.
A sharp limitation of opportunities for finding weak players has divided people into two camps: representatives of the first of them welcome restrictions and are glad that they finally manage to sit down at tables with recreational players without endless queues from scripts and programs for automatic landing. The latter, of course, are unhappy, for no one will be pleased to endure any kind of restrictions. In addition, they have lost the advantage of automatic selection and this is a good reason to be discouraged.
TableScan Turbo users suffered the least. If the functionality of the program is not cut even more, then, in the end, they will even benefit. The Magic Seat has been hit harder and using it for seating at tables will not give the most obvious advantage. At the same time, this program is being finali zed now, so it is quite possible that we will see additional features that allow us to choose the best tables according to some completely different algorithm.
Sharkystrator developers have distinguished themselves the most - they simply did not appear on the battlefield. Well, that's also a choice. Although, most likely in the coming days they will send the Pokerstars security service an updated version and will be approved for use again.
Also, we recommend that you read our small guide on manual and semi-automatic selection.