Pokerstars is going to ban scripts and scanners
Do you still play on Stars? Then the changes are coming to you!
Pokerstars keeps regular players busy. For about a year now, Seat me has been hanging over the regulars like the sword of Damocles. Many have managed to look for alternative poker rooms, with better rakeback and weaker field, but the majority continue to play on Pokerstars by inertia. And in order to throw some chips into the flame of the desire to change the place of the game, the Stars announced the next changes, which will definitely not be to the liking of almost any player who uses auxiliary software for playing poker.
Join or Die
Yes, the announcement is still unofficial, it can be more called "underground". The bottom line is that Pokerstars has sent letters to all manufacturers of approved software. These notices inform you that from March 1, new rules will apply to auxiliary tools, and those programs that will not be modified in accordance with the new requirements will be "cut" from the list of software allowed on Pokerstars.
Is the table select over?
Igor LikeAA, developer of 888Caption and StarsCaption (an analogue of StarsHelper), shared this pain with the general public. He also received a "letter of happiness", based on which the following restrictions are set for any software:
from March 1, any instrument that selects games (tables) or enters them based on information about an opponent is prohibited4
it is forbidden to change the HUD depending on your position or the size of the stack;
any tools that postpone the performance of an action for a specified time are prohibited;
instruments that determine the size of the bet are prohibited;
In fact, this directive directly prohibits any lobby scanners and scripts for landing at the sweetest tables. Also, serious restrictions will be imposed on programs like StarsHelper and on various HUDs, which, however, have already been cut a lot in their functionality by previous sanctions.
Is it really that bad
You might think that "chef, everything is gone!", And now it’s definitely your, and without this, in recent years, not cloudless, existence on Stars has come to an end. But for some reason we are sure that this information can be:
someone's stuffing (for example, competitors are playing pranks)
bad post-new year joke
a marketing move for the developers of certain software (and a good one)
everything looks so scary only on paper, and the final version of the bans will leave any opportunities for automated selection
And we have good reasons for that. At least it looks rather strange that such serious changes can be announced only almost a month before their actual implementation. And even then, it is difficult to call it even an announcement, since there is still no public notice. Moreover, it is natural that many players immediately began to write to the support for a detailed explanation of this situation, and Pokerstars support did not confirm this information, finally saying, if to paraphrase, "follow the announcements and do not miss anything":
And we wrote about the announcements above. The introduction of the same Seat Me to the main client has been promised for six months already, and so far it will not be seen on the horizon. Thus, we can assume that even before the introduction of the above restrictions on software, there is still a lot of time left, certainly not a month with a "tail".
In general, as with the classics: "follow the announcements", and from ourselves we add: and more good tables for you!)