Party poker learns to win!
Party poker management managed to do a lot in February:
- Introduced $ 2 Million Spins to the winner;
- signed contracts with popular poker players on Twitch, making them part of Team Online;
- attracted many Pokerstars players to its side by creating a suitable tournament during the boycott.
Holdem Manager at minimums?
Fresh news from party poker - the emergence of training opportunities in the poker client itself. The "My Game" tab has been created. It is a fairly simple toolkit that allows you to carry out a basic analysis of statistics by several statistical indicators: 3-bets, 4-bets, styles, blind defense, postflop aggression. To get statistics from party poker for your game, you need to play at least 100 hands. As with any analysis of the game, increasing the sample will increase the usefulness of the information obtained. The feature is currently available exclusively for No Limit Hold'em players, but support for tournaments is expected over time.
And a medal on the chest
After the analysis, you will be provided with key statistical information in the party poker client, which is an assessment for each criterion and a short commentary on the directions for improving the game. Note that a TRP oriented game was taken as a basis, which is not always the most profitable version of the game. If your decisions coincide sufficiently with the opinion of “My Game”, then you will be given the achievement “Pro” or “Elite Pro”.
Of course, one should not expect that after this news from party poker, all recreational players will start playing abruptly in the TRP, but it should be noted that this will act as a new incentive for some of the poker players. It was announced that in the future, special "tasks" will be developed for players to eliminate the identified vulnerabilities in the game.
Not Party Alone You Can Learn To Play Poker
However, if you are striving to develop and improve the game right now, then it makes sense for you to pay close attention to Leak Buster, which has in-depth tools for analysis, identifying weaknesses and further adjusting the game strategy.
We also recommend that you pay attention to the simulator programs that help you to study in a training format with simulated situations in the form of a kind of tests:
Ace Poker Drills - simpler and cheaper
PokerSnowie - harder and more expensive