Holdem Manager 3 fixes errors - list of updates
The development of Holdem Manager 3 lasted an incredibly long time. More than 4 years have passed since the official announcement and the appearance of the first versions. Only on October 15, 2019 there was an opportunity to buy Holdem Manager 3. Many loyal fans rushed to switch to the latest version of the famous program. Naturally, there were some traditional bugs and problems that always accompany the launch of new software.
We must pay tribute to the developers of HM3 - they immediately began the working on bugs and rooting out problems. Here is an incomplete list of fixed bugs of Holdem Manager 3:
- Added new statistics - Rake BB\100, Net won at SD, Net won w/o SD;
- Tooltips and legend for pie charts have been added to the “Situation Views” tab (for better readability);
- Added two new tournament filters: with results by day of the week and hour of the day;
- The replayer added nickname reductions for players at anonymous tables;
- Solved the problem of importing played hands on Svenska Spel, Lottomatica, Microgaming, PartyPoker.FR;
- Made corrections for the correct calculation of situations at Pokerstars, where the Cashout function was used;
- Added the ability to mark tournaments using custom tags;
- Corrected the translation in non-English versions of Holdem Manager 3;
- Fixed flaws in the operation of several filters;
- For quick filters added tooltips and hot keys;
- Optimized work with a temporary folder - allowed to save more disk space;
- Added support for the poker room Run It Once Poker;
- A warning when selecting 10K or 100K hands in the hand grid can now be disabled;
- The problem due to which the changed preferred currency was not displayed correctly in the reports on all statistics until the restart was resolved.
A complete list of resolved problems can be found on the official Holdem Manager 3 website.
The latest major update was the addition of the ability to download hand history from Partypoker.
Also, some aspects of the graphical HUD were improved: now the function of disabling the HUD itself by right-clicking really works, and hidden stats and circle lines are remembered between the hands.
The following Holdem Manager 3 updates have been announced:
- Dark theme for Hand Viewer;
- Adding filters and reports for tournaments with custom tags;
- Increase the speed of work with large databases.
We remind you that before you decide to buy Holdem Manager 3, there is an opportunity to test it. Within two weeks you can try all the benefits of Holdem Manager 3 for free. A trial version of the program is available for download on the official Holdem Manager 3 website.