Holdem Manager 2 and 3: differences between versions
Every day until October 14, 2020 there is less and less time. It is in mid-October that the developers of Holdem Manager 2 will stop supporting and updating it. This means that any changes in the clients of the poker rooms after the indicated date will make your poker tracker useless. It will not output the HUD and import new hands. Therefore, an increasing number of players are starting to think about switching to the new Holdem Manager 3. Moreover, those who purchased HM3 on release have already conducted a beta test.
Key differences between Holdem Manager 3 and Holdem Manager 2
- Redesigned and significantly more convenient interface;
- Advanced HUD editor and Pop-up;
- Simple intuitive settings, as well as increased productivity;
- In addition to the traditional HUD, a graphical HUD has also been added;
- A new section showing the effectiveness of your 3-bets, barrels and AI;
- A more personalized version of the “Opponents” tab;
- Now you can compare the statistics of opponents among themselves;
- PostgreSQL is no longer needed to work with the database - information is stored in the cloud service;
- In Holdem Manager 3 you can choose your native language - in Holdem Manager 2 there was only English;
- Reworked interface and functionality of the Replayer;
- Any methods for importing hand histories are available;
- For greater convenience, a game mode has been added in which you turn off all the functions of the tracker, except for HUD. Thus, you will not be distracted during the session, and the load on your computer will be less.
On this list, the differences between Holdem Manager 2 and 3 do not end there. But listing a few hundred new statistical indicators will increase the volume of this article by several sheets. And if you wanted to read, then you would go to the library.
I want to try Holdem Manager 3, but I'm not sure that it will suit me ...
If you are not a supporter of buying something without a test, then we recommend using the trial of Holdem Manager 3. You can download Holdem Manager 3 for free from the official website of the developer.
NB! All Holdem Manager 2 owners receive a 25% discount on Holdem Manager 3. It will be valid until October 14, 2020. The discount for Holdem Manager 3 is automatically activated in your account on the HM website.