HM Cloud: hands in the cloud from Holdem Manager
Holdem Manager announced the launch of the HM Cloud service, which is "the first of its kind in the cloud with an integrated heads-up display."
HM Cloud benefits
Thanks to the new service, users will not have to download databases to their computers - all hands will be stored in the cloud. The launch of such a service is a rather bold step that can significantly change the world of modern poker.
If your computer slows down while running Holdem Manager or other software, the situation can be significantly improved by using HM Cloud. The official announcement says: “HM Cloud does not require your computer resources to perform single calculations and search statistics for a player or his opponents. The local HM Cloud client is installed on the computer and has two main functions: (1) sends new hand histories to HM Cloud; (2) gets updated HUD data from HM Cloud and displays it at your table."
Requirements for installing HM Cloud
The requirements for installing HM Cloud are minimal - the software installation process is quite simple. In addition, you do not in any way clog the computer memory and do not overload it with additional options. HM Cloud can be accessed from any device connected to the Internet. That is, from a practical point of view, you can sit at any computer and still be able to use all the stats in the usual format.
HM Cloud works right in the browser, so it is kind of standardized for various OSs, including Windows and Linux. That is, no matter what computer you use and how perfect it is, HM Cloud will always be at your fingertips. The official announcement also says: “HM Cloud HUD for Mac users is scheduled to launch in the near future. Since all processes, statistics generation and hand history storage are performed on the HM Cloud servers, a minimum of memory and processor resources of the user's local computer is used, even when playing at several tables."
Holdem Manager is currently launching HM Cloud for alpha testing. The service is available only at cash tables at PokerStars and only for users of the Google Chrome browser. By the time HM Cloud hits the market in a full version, the service compatibility will be more extensive.
The data stored in the cloud service will be private and inaccessible to the general public. In addition, HM Cloud can be used from a mobile device.
At the moment, the cost of using the HM Cloud service is not disclosed. On this occasion, Holdem Manager representatives noted: “As HM Cloud develops as a full-fledged product, we will be able to more adequately assess its cost. When making these kinds of decisions, we will certainly take into account the existing HM2 users. ”