Poker Scientist
Poker Scientist
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Poker Scientist - simplifies the principles of GTO strategy and presents them in the most simple and understandable form. The application runs in a browser, therefore it does not require powerful hardware for complex calculations. You can work in three directions:
- The Gameplan. You get instant access to the GTO game plan. It has calculated billions of strategies for each scenario. The developers created a game plan with simplification in mind, they limited the number of actions by the algorithm and removed unimportant lines without losing EV. Unique interpretations of the data will help you gain deeper understanding of a balanced strategy.
- Practical Mode. Practice your skills and knowledge while playing against the bot built into the Poker Scientist. All decisions during training are tracked and measured in terms of frequency and EV. The results are saved and displayed in the Training Statistics section. which gives you an overview of your current results anywhere.
- The Academy. It is a learning environment where you can explore and discuss closed training videos with other users. The content of the tutorial videos section will be updated frequently to cover all user topics and questions. The goal of Poker-Scientist is to collect everything you need to get the best in one place.
What Poker Scientist Can Do:
- shows pre-decided and visualized GTO situations for cash games and tournaments;
- gives instant access to solutions;
- eliminates irrelevant (having no effect or minimally affecting the spots) lines;
- determines the optimal number and size of bets;
- groups different runouts (turn and river cards) with similar lines of further play.
Simplification by removing lines
The game plan is simplified by removing irrelevant lines. All possible actions on the flop are simplified to the minimum number of bet sizes without any significant EV losses. The simpler your game plan, the fewer mistakes you make. Winrate is growing. The simplification algorithm removes 35% of irrelevant game lines.
The optimal number and size of bets
The calculation using the optimal boundary conditions leads to a game plan with the highest possible EV range for both players. In the process of calculating donkbets are allowed and taken into calculations.
Comparing range versus range
Keep track of the EV and equity for each possible hand using a matrix that visualizes the comparison. Learn how to play your range against your opponent's range. Compare EV ranges on different boards. Navigate the streets of spot using the toolbar. The history panel allows you to quickly rewind the hand and explore alternative solutions. Equity toggle visualizes equity distribution for ranges.
EV distribution based on runouts
Poker Scientist provides for the distribution of EV ranges for all possible cards on the turn and river. Runouts that require nearly identical strategy are grouped into clusters and make it easier for you to recognize, integrate, and apply GTO principles throughout your learning and playing.
Grouping flops into clusters
All 1,755 possible flops in poker are grouped into 198 generalized options. All flops with similar qualities are combined into a single cluster.
Show more ↓What is a GTO?
GTO - Game Theory Optimal. Any situation in poker can have many variants of draws. Even within the same street. There is no clear right or wrong decision with so many possible actions. The whole essence of the GTO strategy comes down to the fact that the decisions of your opponent do not matter in the long run.
GTO implies that you will maintain an optimal balance between aggression, bluffs, checks, and calls, so that the best result against you can be zero. That is, with a perfect game from your opponent, he will, at best, play 0 against you in the long run. You can balance between positive EV and tricky use of your playing range against regulars, making your game invulnerable for exploitation.
System requirements for efficient operation of the Poker Scientist
Poker Scientist is a browser application, so you only need Internet access to run it.
Feedback from developers
If you have any questions about Poker Scientist, please write:
- to e-mail [email protected];
- in Facebook.
Whats difference between subscriptions?
Poker Scientist has 3 types of subscriptions:
- Gameplan. You will have access to Gameplan, all possible HU GTO situations and instant GTO solutions. The subscription does NOT include Trainer and its link with Gameplan.
- Trainer. You will be able to practice in Trainer and all possible variants of HU GTO situations and instant GTO solutions are available. The subscription does NOT include Gameplan and its link with Trainer.
- Bundle. Full access to all functions of the application without any restrictions.
How can I pay for Poker Scientist?
You can pay Poker Scientist for WebMoney, Skrill, Qiwi, Neteller, Yandex Money, PayPal, Visa/Master Card, other payment systems, try Poker Scientist for free and get a discount on your next purchase, as well as participate in the discussion on our forum.
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