Simple 3-way (1 year license)
Simple 3-way (1 year license)
Simple 3-way - poker nash-solver for GTO analysis of 3-way spots in various Postflop situations. Application calculates GTO strategies based on action trees and initial ranges for 3 players
On the official website of the developer Simple 3-way you can download a version that allows you to perform mathematical calculations for the river absolutely free of charge and without restrictions on the terms of operation.
The Pokerenergy site is the official reseller of Simple 3-way, and by purchasing the program from us, you get the same license as if you bought it on the developer's site.
Simple 3-way features
- Free river calculation in 3-way spots. Users are provided with free river calculations.
- Free examples of solutions in 3-way spots for flop and river. All users are provided with absolutely free calculation examples: several basic situations on Flops + Turns.
- Strategy, and equity view all played hands for any situation in selected tree. Application allows viewing solutions in various ways. It gives opportunity to conduct complex and qualitative analysis of retrieved solutions. Informative set of metrics in reports is very useful and excessive source of information for game analysis.
- Join our discord conference. Discussion of application is available in Discord chat. Anyone could join this conference, ask questions, share ideas and proposals for application improvement.
What is a GTO?
GTO - Game Theory Optimal. Any situation in poker can have many variants of draws. Even within the same street. There is no clear right or wrong decision with so many possible actions. The whole essence of the GTO strategy comes down to the fact that the decisions of your opponent do not matter in the long run.
GTO implies that you will maintain an optimal balance between aggression, bluffs, checks, and calls, so that the best result against you can be zero. That is, with a perfect game from your opponent, he will, at best, play 0 against you in the long run. You can balance between positive EV and tricky use of your playing range against regulars, making your game invulnerable for exploitation.
Does the Simple 3-way have a trial version?
Yes, on the official website of the developer Simple 3-way you can download a version that allows you to perform mathematical calculations for the turn and river absolutely free of charge and without restrictions on the terms of operation.
System requirements for efficient operation of the Simple 3-way
- RAM - at least 16 GB;
- Screen resolution - more than 900 pixels in height;
- Operating system - Windows 64bit XP and later;
- Advanced - Internet access for activation.
How can I pay for Simple 3-way?
You can pay Simple 3-way for WebMoney, Skrill, Qiwi, Neteller, Yandex Money, PayPal, Visa/Master Card, other payment systems, try Simple 3-way for free and get a discount on your next purchase, as well as participate in the discussion on our forum.
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