Simple Preflop Holdem (1 year license)
Simple Preflop Holdem (1 year license)
Simple Preflop Holdem - poker solver for the analysis of the game on the preflop in holdem. SPH calculates optimal strategies for a given tree of bets and input ranges for the specified numbers of players (from 2 to 10) in different preflop situations.
The Pokerenergy site is the official reseller of Simple Preflop Holdem, and by purchasing the program from us, you get the same license as if you bought it on the developer's site.
Features of the Simple Preflop Holdem:
- Performing of local preflop calculations for different poker disciplines. Calculation could be done for ChipEV or ICM models, also taking in a count rake.
- Strategy, EV and equity are displayed for every hand per any action on the preflop. The program includes a set of different representations of solutions, which allows for a comprehensive and qualitative analysis of the solutions obtained. Sets of metrics in the reports characterize the parameters of decisions, and also serve as valuable sources of information for analyzing the solution.
- No limit on the computing power usage. The program can use all processor threads available from the OS for maximum parallelization of computations and faster calculation.
- The use of abstractions in calculations. To calculate preflop strategies, postflop abstractions are used, so the calculation is simplified and the required amount of RAM is reduced. The level of abstraction can be selected.
- MacOS case. The user should note that the program is not supported by the operating system MacOS. The solution in this case can be the use of virtualization programs - Parallels or Bootcamp. If you use Bootcamp, Windows will be started on the machine as the main system, and the user will not be able to use MacOS and Windows at the same time. Parallels allows you to use both systems simultaneously. In this case, a virtual machine is created, where Windows is already installed.
On the official website of the developer Simple Preflop Holdem you can download a version that allows you to perform mathematical calculations absolutely free of charge and without restrictions on the terms of operation.
Show more ↓What is a GTO?
GTO - Game Theory Optimal. Any situation in poker can have many variants of draws. Even within the same street. There is no clear right or wrong decision with so many possible actions. The whole essence of the GTO strategy comes down to the fact that the decisions of your opponent do not matter in the long run.
GTO implies that you will maintain an optimal balance between aggression, bluffs, checks, and calls, so that the best result against you can be zero. That is, with a perfect game from your opponent, he will, at best, play 0 against you in the long run. You can balance between positive EV and tricky use of your playing range against regulars, making your game invulnerable for exploitation.
Does the Simple Preflop Holdem have a trial version?
Yes, on the official website of the developer Simple Preflop Holdem you can download a version that allows you to perform mathematical calculations absolutely free of charge and without restrictions on the terms of operation.
How long is the Simple Preflop license valid for?
Paid license term - 1 year
System requirements for efficient operation of the Simple Preflop Holdem
• Processor - Intel Core i7;
• RAM - at least 16 GB;
• Screen resolution - more than 900 pixels in height;
• Operating system - Windows 64bit XP and later;
• Advanced - Internet access for activation.
How can I pay for Simple Preflop Holdem?
You can pay Simple Preflop Holdem for WebMoney, Skrill, Qiwi, Neteller, Yandex Money, PayPal, Visa/Master Card, other payment systems, try Simple Preflop Holdem for free and get a discount on your next purchase, as well as participate in the discussion on our forum.
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