GTOBase is an analytic web application with optimal poker strategies. GTOBase includes tools for analyzing hands history in accordance to GTO strategies, as well as a database of calculated strategies using GTO solvers Simple Postflop, Simple Preflop Holdem.
On the official website of the developer GTOBase you can download a version which allows you to instantly analyze the hand to users who do not have a subscription. Free analysis is available for 5 hands per day.
The Pokerenergy site is the official reseller of GTOBase, and by purchasing the program from us, you get the same license as if you bought it on the developer's site.
GTOBase features
- Flexibility and autonomy. GTOBase is available directly in your browser, supported by any operating system. All calculations are performed by our servers, without using the resources of your PC. GTO Solver License is not required.
- High Performance. Fast import and processing of hands history on powerful servers. Processing speed up to 200 hands per minute, not requiring the activity of your PC.
- Large GTO strategies base. In the database of solutions, strategies are available for all kinds of 22100 flops in various situations. Solutions are calculated with high accuracy using the best GTO solvers. Preflop trees include many bet sizings.
- Flexibility and nice UI. You can customize colors to display actions in the strategy viewer. The interface is implemented in compliance with modern UI/UX guidelines. To make long-term work with GTOBase comfortable for you, a dark theme has been applied.
- Instant Hand Analysis.The functionality of instant analysis of hand from the clipboard is available. This feature is also available for users who do not have a subscription (5 hands a day for free).
What is a GTO?
GTO - Game Theory Optimal. Any situation in poker can have many variants of draws. Even within the same street. There is no clear right or wrong decision with so many possible actions. The whole essence of the GTO strategy comes down to the fact that the decisions of your opponent do not matter in the long run.
GTO implies that you will maintain an optimal balance between aggression, bluffs, checks, and calls, so that the best result against you can be zero. That is, with a perfect game from your opponent, he will, at best, play 0 against you in the long run. You can balance between positive EV and tricky use of your playing range against regulars, making your game invulnerable for exploitation.
Does the GTOBase have a trial version?
Yes, on the official website of the developer GTOBase you can download a version which allows you to instantly analyze the hand to users who do not have a subscription. Free analysis is available for 5 hands per day.
System requirements for efficient operation of the GTOBase
GTOBase is a browser application, so you only need Internet access to run it.
Feedback from developers
If you have any questions about GTOBase, please write:
- to Skype SimplePoker;
- to e-mail [email protected];
- in the Simple Poker discord.
How can I pay for GTOBase?
You can pay GTOBase for WebMoney, Skrill, Qiwi, Neteller, Yandex Money, PayPal, Visa/Master Card, other payment systems, try GTOBase for free and get a discount on your next purchase, as well as participate in the discussion on our forum.
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