Run It Once Closed
Good Game poker network managed to become a real competitor to PokerStars in a matter of years. During that same stretch of time, Phil Galfond managed to:
- launch the room;
- invested a lot of time and energy in an unsuccessful attempt to interest poker fans;
- close the room.
On January 3, 2022, RIO Poker became RIP Poker.
Why did it close?
In a nutshell, the room proved to be uninteresting to players. The new "Legends" loyalty program, the innovative "SNG Select" format, and the Galfond Challenge increased the number of RIO Poker players. Restrictions and lockdowns additionally attracted bored people. But the novelty effect and normalization of life rolled back the room's traffic to pre-pandemic numbers. None of the management measures had a lasting effect. The room never crossed the 200-player mark at the cash tables. With those numbers, it wasn't even a question of competing for the top 20 in terms of number of players.
What will happen to the money of the players?
All the money without any problems will be allowed to withdraw until the beginning of April 2022. In the last week of the game every user of Run It Once received 45% rakeback. The most pleasant situation for newcomers - they will be paid even unearned bonuses on the first deposit.
The end is a new beginning?
The hackneyed phrase about RIO Poker may be true. In his farewell letter Phil Galfond told about the plans to open again, but in the United States. To do this, he is in talks with Indian casinos. The exact dates of the relaunch are not yet known.
What to do next?
Despite the closure of Run It Once in online poker, there are still 20-30 reliable options to play. Rooms open and close, but the core value in poker remains the same. It's about skill. The easiest and most effective way to develop your poker skills is to practice with specialized programs. Only they can help you quickly understand complex concepts on an intuitive level or immerse you in thinking ranges. We recommend Flopzilla - an equity calculator for beginners, tournament players should pay attention to Sharkscope.
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