GTO Solutions Packs
GTO Solutions Packs
What packs of solutions for Simple Postflop included:
- Pack #1: Coffeeyay Spin&Go SBvsBB Pack. Pack of solutions created by one of the best HU SNG coaches - Coffeeyay (Adam Sobolewski). The Pack includes 9 GTO solutions on preflop for the SBvsBB situations with the effective stacks from 6bb to 27bb. The Pack was solved using subset of 276 flops.
- Pack #2: SBvsBB 6-max Pack. Pack of SBvsBB solutions. This Pack includes 8 GTO solutions (4 with rake and 4 without rake) on preflop for SBvsBB 6-max situations with the following effective stacks: 50bb,75bb,100bb,150bb. The Pack was solved using subset of 74 flops;
- Pack #3: HU (1-1) SNG Pack. Pack of HU solutions. This Pack includes 21 GTO solutions on preflop for HU situations with the effective stacks from 5bb up to 25bb. The Pack was solved using subset of 184 flops;
- Pack #4: 6-max Big Blind vs IP Raiser Strategy Pack. Pack with 6-max Big Blind vs IP Raiser situations. The Pack includes 8 GTO preflop solutions with 100bb effective stacks for different IP Raisers: 1) BTN and CO open vs BB; 2) BTN, CO, MP and UTG 2.5x open vs BB; 3) MP and UTG 3x open vs BB. All with locked preflop raiser ranges based on population statistics from NL1K and NL2K on Stars. The rake in the Strategy Pack is based on Poker Stars MSNL rake. The Pack was solved using subset of 184 flops;
- Pack #5: HU (1-1) Cash Strategy Pack. Pack of HU Cash solutions with rake. This Pack includes 6 GTO solutions on preflop for HU Cash situations with the following effective stacks 50-200bb and open raises from 2,5bb to 3bb. The rake in the Pack is 5% of the pot and rake CAP is 0.25bb. The Pack was solved using subset of 184 flops;
- Pack #6: MTT №1 LP raisers vs BB Strategy Pack. GTO Solutions Packs for MTT. This Pack includes 8 GTO solutions on preflop where LP opens and BB plays against them. The ante in the Pack is 12.5% of BB. The Pack was solved using subset of 184 flops.
- Pack#7: MTT №2 SB vs BB Strategy Pack. Alternative GTO Solutions Packs for MTT;
- Pack #8: Spin&Go Flops.
On the official website of the developer Simple Postflop you can download a version that allows you to perform mathematical calculations for the turn and river absolutely free of charge and without restrictions on the terms of operation.
Show more ↓What is a GTO Solutions Pack?
A preflop pack is a set of preflops counted, as well as calculated flops from the subset, on which the calculation was made. Preflop pack includes the solution of the most typical spots of the poker discipline for which it is designed. The cost of calculating a preflop pack most often amounts to several thousand $, but due to the fact that it is purchased by many users, the price is set much lower than the cost of calculations, which makes it possible to make sets of preflop solutions available for a wide range of users.
How activate pack for Simple Postflop?
When purchasing a preflop pack, the user receives a license key, which must be activated in the Preflop window (from the main window Preflop -> HU Preflop) in the menu Cloud-> Preflop Licenses.
In the field 1, you enter the received key, after which it is necessary to click on the Add Key button.
Field 2 displays all the pre-flop user licenses for accessing pre-calculated packs purchased by the user.
After activating the license key, the preflop solutions from the pack will appear in the menu of available preflop solutions.
To go to the menu of available preflop solutions, you need to click on the menu Cloud-> Preflop Situations in the Preflop window (from the main window Preflop-> HU Preflop).
How can I pay GTO Solutions Packs for Simple Postflop?
You can pay GTO Solutions Packs for Simple Postflop for WebMoney, Skrill, Qiwi, Neteller, Yandex Money, PayPal, Visa/Master Card, other payment systems and get a discount on your next purchase, as well as participate in the discussion on our forum.
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