Using InstaGTO you can improve your game incredibly thanks to AI data analysis and GTO calculations. InstaGTO offers a revolutionary analysis of your game calculated by a supercomputer in accordance with the theory of bulletproof game theory optimal.
Software that compares your play against the above strategies gives you GTO charts, replayer, analysis, trainers, preflop tools and many more tools to improve your skill!
You will receive the software used by the best poker players in the world as their primary training software.
You can download InstaGTO for free on the developer's official website.
What is included in InstaGTO:
1. Section №1. GTO Replayer, Solver, Trainer & Analyzer. Upload your hand history and AI will analyze the data. You will be able to track the percentages of each action, expected values, combination charts, how you played each hand. Use the GTO Trainer or Solver for all situations, any size! With real, verified data about your poker game, you will become a much better poker player.
2. Section №2. GTO Preflop Tools. Browse the built-in GTO charts, or simply create your own for any situation possible! Upload your hands to InstaGTO and analyze them to see your mistakes preflop. Train them in an advanced preflop GTO trainer. Track your range improvement with measurable results!
3. Section No. 3. All Features. Work with all InstaGTO tools in one place: GTO HUD's, GTO Hand Replayer, GTO Ranges, Range Analyze, GTO Quick Solver, Range Trainer, GTO Trainers, Range Builder, Import Hands, Hand Histories.
Show more ↓What is a GTO?
GTO - Game Theory Optimal. Any situation in poker can have many variants of draws. Even within the same street. There is no clear right or wrong decision with so many possible actions. The whole essence of the GTO strategy comes down to the fact that the decisions of your opponent do not matter in the long run.
GTO implies that you will maintain an optimal balance between aggression, bluffs, checks, and calls, so that the best result against you can be zero. That is, with a perfect game from your opponent, he will, at best, play 0 against you in the long run. You can balance between positive EV and tricky use of your playing range against regulars, making your game invulnerable for exploitation.
Does InstaGTO have a free version?
Yes, the trial version can be activated for a maximum of 3 days upon request. You can download InstaGTO for free on the developer's official website.
Can i suspend an already purchased subscription?
Yes, this is possible in special circumstances.
Can InstaGTO be run on another computer?
Yes, but it needs to be deactivated in the first device (account -> deactivate). InstaGTO does not work in two devices simultaneously.
Feedback from developers
If you have any questions about InstaGTO, please write:
What's in a Heads Up Sit&Go subscription?
The HU Sit&Go subscription includes the following modes:
- GTO Replayer & Solver;
- GTO Trainers;
- GTO HUDs & Analyzing Tools;
- GTO Preflop Tools;
- Heads Up Solutions;
- Heads Up Ranges.
What's in a Spin&Go subscription?
The Spin&Go subscription includes the following modes:
- GTO Replayer & Solver;
- GTO Trainers;
- GTO HUDs & Analyzing Tools;
- GTO Preflop Tools;
- Heads Up Solutions;
- Heads Up Ranges;
- Spin&Go Solutions;
- Spin&Go Ranges.
What's in a Heads Up Cash Game subscription?
The HU Cash Game subscription includes the following modes:
- GTO Replayer & Solver;
- GTO Trainers;
- GTO HUDs & Analyzing Tools;
- GTO Preflop Tools;
- Heads Up Solutions;
- Heads Up Ranges;
- Spin&Go Solutions;
- Spin&Go Ranges;
- Heads Up Cash Game Solutions;
- Heads Up Cash Game Ranges;
- GTO Console.
How can I pay for InstaGTO?
You can pay InstaGTO for WebMoney, Skrill, Qiwi, Neteller, Yandex Money, PayPal, Visa/Master Card, other payment systems, try InstaGTO for free and get a discount on your next purchase, as well as participate in the discussion on our forum.
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