Must have poker software for all online players
There is a number of programs that are must-to-use for all online players. And if you want to be a winning player, this soft will increase your chances significantly. Below we will list that poker software.
Hand History Trackers
Each such software is actually a set of small statistics collecting and analyzing programs.
Thess programs automatically imports hands while you play online. Imported hands are saved in your database, and then the software retrieves various statistics out of played hands.
Another key feature of these programs is to show statistics right on the tables. This feature is called Heads Up Display (HUD)
Some of the main stats displayed in the HUD, include VPIP (Voluntarily Put Money into the Pot), PFR (preflop raise), AF (aggression factor), and the number of hands played.
Holdem Manager 3
Holdem Manager has always been considered one the best poker programs. Holdem Manager tracks Hold'em and Omaha hands, and have fully customizable reports, based on your results. The program is able to build graphs for results and various statistics. Also, there is a variety of programs, add-ons for Holdem Manager, which include Leak Buster, SnG Wizard. Trial version of Holdem Manager 3 lasts 14 days.
Hand2Note is the most convenient and technologically advanced tool for working with statistics. Professional poker players always prefer H2N for its functionality and no longer return to alternative options.
Displays positional and dynamic HUD, shows complex elements in pop-ups (charts, lists of hands, nested tabs), contains very colorful data visualization, can analyze the general pool of players.
PokerTracker 4
PokerTracker is considered a pioneer in the world of poker software. This tool allows you to import hands (ring games and tournaments), create custom reports, and custom diagrams for nearly any stat. You can even create your own stats and add them to the HUD. Fast and easy customizable drag-and-drop HUD, flexible filters. Software includes free add-ons for various purposes: Note Tracker, Leak Tracker, ICM, and equity calculator. There is an additional subscription service named Table Tracker, which helps you a lot with finding most profitable tables across all poker rooms. Trial version lasts 30 days.
Programs for automation of actions

This is special programs that do not give you any information about your opponents, but help to facilitate and automate many mechanical actions, especially these programs are relevant if you play more than one table. But they are definitely suitable for non-multi-table players.
If you like to use non-standard betsizings, you want to automatically placement the tables on the screen in the order you need, change\remove\add elements of the game table, display the game stack not in money but in the big blinds, display pot odds, SPR, bluff equity and much more, these programs are created just for you.
- iPoker tools - for iPoker network
- WPN tools Lite - for Wiining Poker network
- StarsCaption - for Pokerstars and Full Tilt Poker
- PartyCaption - for Party Poker, Bwin Poker and other network skins
- 888Caption - for 888 network
Equity calculators
In order to have a good understanding of the strength of your hand in each game situation, you should be able to understand the possible ispectre of your opponent, as well as your own range of playing hands. Programs below can help you with this. Daily trainings and hands analysis with these programs will make you immune to the most difficult game situations, as you will feel like a fish in the water:)
Flopzilla is designed to analyze played hands. This is a great tool for those who want to improve their post-flop skills.This poker program shows the probability of hitting the flop of different hand ranges and chances to improve on the later streets. The program supports both cash games and tournaments, and have a built-in equity calculator. Using Flopzilla, you will quickly learn to “think ranges” and make better postflop decisions.
Power-Equilab is an advanced equity calculator from the famous Equilab developers. The program is designed to combine in one application the best features of other poker equity calculators and analytical poker tools. Unlike the free Equilab, Power-Equilab has an incredible amount of additional features, which cannot be described as part of this review.
Training programs
If it is difficult for you to quickly calculate in your mind the required number of outs (cards that improve your hand) or you do not quite understand how to do this, then programs of this type are what you need. Usually the training process comes down to the fact that the game situation is simulated for you and you must choose the correct answer. A kind of poker test. Interesting and useful!
Ace Poker Drills Preflop Trainer
Preflop Trainer - an important part of winning big at small stakes in Hold’em is playing starting hands better than your opponents. Use our poker software to gain the ability to quickly recall what hands to bet, call, check, or fold in different positions. Master your preflop game with Ace Poker Drills Preflop Trainer.
Ace Poker Drills Equity Trainer
Equity Trainer - knowing your Pot Odds and equity in any given situation will help you make good decisions that will increase your long-term profitability. Use this Poker Tool to learn, understand, and quickly calculate your expected share of the pot with Ace Poker Drills Equity Trainer.
PreflopHero Cash
PreflopHero Cash - a poker trainer that allows you to hone your preflop charts to perfection. You will be able to practice the OR (Open Raise) skill, strategy vs Open Raise, as well as situations where a 3-bet was made against you (vs 3-bet). The program will help you find mistakes in your strategy, create your own ranges in the editor and practice at a real poker table. In PreflopHero Cash, you can study from your smartphone.
PokerIQ - preflop trainer for learning ranges for NL Holdem, which makes it possible to simulate preflop situations and train your skills knowledge in a game format.
PreflopHero Spin&Go
PreflopHero Spin&Go - preflop situations trainer for amateurs and professionals. It allows you to develop skills and test new knowledge without the risk of losing your money. Designed specifically for Spin & Go players.
Datamining is the process of automated hand history collecting from poker site for further import into a PokerTracker or HoldemManager database. Poker players can buy datamining in order to fill their base with valuable information about the opponents. In most poker rooms the use of datamined hand histories is prohibited, but the reality is that many players use this service without any consequences. It is because the advantage obtained when buying data mining, is quite decent, and in theory, usage of data mining is very difficult to track. For beginners, the advantage is in reliable statistics on most opponents, even with a small number of own hands played.