The Ultimate Guide About Online Poker Software

"The rules of poker can be learned in 5 minutes, but you will have to learn to play it well all your life" - this common truth incredibly accurately shows the depth and versatility of our favorite game. But why some players can play at the same level for years and practically not progress, while others go from NL2 to NL1000 in a couple of years ?! We will not withdraw into discussions about talent, IQ and other complex matters. In most cases, the answer to the question is much simpler and sounds like this: "The first players do not work on their poker skills, while the second, on the contrary, put a lot of effort and are constantly developing."

There are many ways to learn poker:

  • Read articles and books about poker strategy;
  • Watch educational poker videos;
  • Discuss hands on specialized forums or with friends;
  • Hire a professional poker coach;
  • Watch live streams from the best players on streaming platforms.

Not all learning options are created equal. The information from the books becomes outdated rather quickly, and watching the streams of the best players will hardly help a new player, because he will understand very little of what he has seen. Certain concepts from the high limits will generally be detrimental to a beginner's bankroll. However, there is the most versatile and effective way to improve your poker skills - working with special poker programs. With the proper dedication and hard work, you can greatly improve your game in just a few months (or even weeks) and break the limit that seemed just monolithic.

The use of poker software does not require advanced knowledge and skills of a programmer - most of them are intuitive even for novice players. If you have any difficulties, you can always look at an overview of the program's functions on the developer's website and / or on YouTube. In comparison with training with a trainer, the program will cost you much cheaper. Not to mention the fact that not every poker coach is really capable of quickly delivering a good poker knowledge to his student. Finally - when working with poker software you do not need the help of other people - you can learn effectively on your own.

One cannot fail to mention the incredible progress in poker software in recent years. They have come a long way from unsightly applications developed by a single enthusiast player to complex and multifaceted products made by real professionals. Now working on your skills is more comfortable than ever.

Odds Oracle and Flopzilla Pro

Above is an equity calculator from the mid-2000s, and below is the new Flopzilla Pro. Progress is evident.

There is a complete manual or video instruction for almost every application. This automatically means that you will immediately understand how to work more effectively. Moreover, the developers of many applications take reviews responsibly and regularly help players to solve problems with their product. A significant number of developers respond quickly to constant updates of poker clients and quickly adapt their software to new conditions. You will not find yourself in a situation where you have a poker program, but it does not work due to the latest update from PokerStars, and the developer has been silent for two weeks ...

This guide was written for those who are constantly trying to maximize their playing potential, which is an essential feature of every successful poker player. Players using poker software presented our website, have a significant advantage over their opponents. Unfortunately, some players do not have a clue about these programs. Our website was created to help you find out everything about poker software and use it for your benefit. Here you are welcome to learn about what is currently offered by developers of poker software and services.

Deep knowledge about poker programs can change your approach to the game and make it more profitable

​​​​​​​​​If you are new to poker programs, we encourage you to read the entire guide from beginning to its end. If you are familiar with poker software, you can use the links to go to the chapters that interest you. We are pleased to introduce you the "Poker Software Guide for Real Players". Let's go!

Main Articles:

Additional Articles:​​

  1. Why do I need poker software?

  2. Where to play?

  3. Must-have software for all online players

  4. Software for advanced players
  5. Odds and equity poker calculators
  6. All about datamining

  7. Other poker programs

  8. Finding poker friends

  9. Conclusion

  1. Success and failures of beginners: blame poker software?

  2. Golden rules of security for a poker player

  3. Why pirate software is so dangerous?