MorsStella HUD

MorsStella HUD

A set of statistics for MTT HU KO players. Works in Hand2Note4.
from 15.00$

MorsStella HUD is designed for HU tournaments in KO format. Works in Hand2Note4. Includes both the most appropriate preflop breakdown of effective stacks and specific stats. The latter include: frequency of different sized open-raise, fold to different sized open-raise. Preflop stats are colored by aggressiveness, postflop by GTO, deviation from GTO-value 5% in each direction, red color - aggressiveness, green - tightness, gray - GTO +/-5%. In addition to general values, all preflop and postflop statistics are divided into situations when Hero's stack is bigger and smaller than his opponent's.

Does MorsStella HUD have a free trial version?

To get a trial period, contact to our support. In the letter you must specify the email address from the Hand2Note account and the name of the HUD, which requires a free period. The free 1-week trial for MorsStella HUD is available.

Installation and setup

For installation and setup, write to:

  • Skype @petan2002;
  • telegram;
  • discord spincoinsupport.
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For what tracker is MorsStella HUD made for?

MorsStella HUD is made for Hand2Note. At the moment, the basic version of Hand2Note is completely free with no time limits. Download.

To get a trial period, contact to our support. In the letter you must specify the email address from the Hand2Note account and the name of the HUD, which requires a free period. The free 1-week trial for MorsStella HUD is available.

Installation and setup

For installation and setup, write to:

  • Skype @petan2002;
  • telegram;
  • discord spincoinsupport.

Does MorsStella HUD work on the free version of H2N?

MorsStella HUD works with the free Hand2Note, but the full potential of the statistics set is revealed only when using the H2N Edge.

Delivery time

Up to 24 hours, but on average 1-2 hours.

How can I pay for the MorsStella HUD?

You can buy MorsStella HUD by Neteller, Skrill, PayPal, WebMoney, YooMoney, Qiwi, Visa/Master Card and other payment systems from us, try MorsStella HUD for free and get a discount on the next purchase.

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