Sixplusholdem PRO HUD
Sixplusholdem PRO HUD
Sixplusholdem PRO HUD is designed by a professional Hold'em 6+ player taking into account the peculiarities of the discipline. It takes into account multipots of up to 6 players for preflop and postflop. Thanks to this you will always have information about your opponents in all possible game scenarios. The product is constantly being improved: more than 6 updates in 1.5 years. All updates are included in the price.
Does Sixplusholdem PRO HUD have a free version?
Yes, the developer provides a free trial version for 10-14 days. To get it, contact our support team. In your email, please provide the email address from your Hand2Note account and the name of the HUD for which you need the free period.
Does Sixplusholdem PRO HUD work with the free version of H2N?
Sixplusholdem PRO HUD does not work with the free Hand2Note. You need a subscription to H2N Edge or H2N Pro. In case of Hand2Note4 beta no subscription is needed.
Package features:
- 6 types of static HUDs. All are suitable for PokerStars.
- Postflop stats are divided into: Total / HU Flop / MWP Flop.
- Preflop stats have different stack sizes and popular sizings for 6-max.
- The General popup contains all popular variants of C-Bet and Fold vs C-Bet.
- Separate popup for 3-max tables.
- Trends for Raise vs Bet for different spots - IP and OOP.
- More than 10 flop textures.
- 5 stack sizes for preflop stats.
- Over 6,500 stats to allow you to do your analysis with Range Research.
The pack includes:
- Over 6,500 stats - over 1,000 of which are complex.
- 6 types of static HUD - one with buttons.
- Over 20 Popup tabs and over 50 sub tabs.
- 5 preflop stack sizes for all stats.
- More than 150 stats in HUD 5.0_Extra.
What tracker is Sixplusholdem PRO HUD made for?
Sixplusholdem PRO HUD is designed for Hand2Note. At the moment the basic version of Hand2Note is completely free with no time limit. Download.
Does Sixplusholdem PRO HUD have a free version?
Yes, the developer provides a free trial version for 10-14 days. To get it, contact our support team. In your email, please provide the email address from your Hand2Note account and the name of the HUD for which you need the free period.
Installation and customization
For installation and customization please contact:
- in discord RomanBelousov#1780;
- in telegram @RomanBelousov19;
- by e-mail [email protected].
Does Sixplusholdem PRO HUD work with the free version of H2N?
Sixplusholdem PRO HUD does not work with the free Hand2Note. You need a subscription to H2N Edge or H2N Pro. In case of Hand2Note4 beta no subscription is needed.
Delivery time
In the vast majority of cases, 1-2 hours. On weekends and in exceptional situations, the timeframe may increase to 24 hours.
How to pay for Sixplusholdem PRO HUD?
You can pay for Sixplusholdem PRO HUD with Webmoney, Skrill, Qiwi, Neteller, YooMoney, PayPal, Visa/Master Card, other payment systems, try Sixplusholdem PRO HUD for free and get a discount on your next purchase.
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