Cosmos Cash HUD
Cosmos Cash HUD
Cosmos Cash HUD - will suit both beginner tracker users and experienced players. Different levels of HUDs and Popups will help beginners to get used to statistics and learn how to use them. Thus in one product you will get both your first HUD and several professional variants. Convenient structure will help you find the necessary stats in tabs in seconds, which will allow you to use all tabs even with a shortage of time. Postflop stats are divided into Position vs Position - you will be able to see the difference in player tendencies and deviations in strategy depending on preflop ranges. All updates are included in the price.
You can participate in future updates and tell us how HUDs or Popups can be improved. The developer will try to complete the product with new tools according to your recommendations.
Does Cosmos Cash HUD have a free version?
Yes, the developer provides a free trial version for 10-14 days. To get it, contact our support team. In your email, please provide the email address from your Hand2Note account and the name of the HUD for which you need the free period.
Does Cosmos Cash HUD work with the free version of H2N?
Cosmos Cash HUD works with the free Hand2Note. In case of Hand2Note4 beta no subscription is needed.
Package features:
- 2 pop-up windows - Expert and Begin. Two 6-max and 9-max versions each.
- Expert popup contains over 5,000 stats and can be used for Range Research.
- 6 HUDs: 3 simple HUDs / 3 PRO HUDs with buttons. There is a 6-max and 9-max version under each.
- Different trends for Bet and Raise: Total, SRP, 3BP, SB and BB spots.
- Postflop tabs contain stats for Preflop as well, including charts.
- Over 90 tabs with 5 different bet sizes for: C-Bet, Delay, Probe, Bet vs Skip C-Bet for SRP and 3BP.
- Standard Postflop SRP and 3BP stats have Position vs Position split (BB vs BTN, SB vs CO-BTN, etc).
- You can change the HUD at any point in the game - no need to rebuild stats.
- Stats: Won [SD] / Won [noSD] / Lose [SD] / Lose [noSD] for different SRP spots.
- Added 11 flop textures.
The pack includes:
- 7 Popups profiles: 4 main profiles of different difficulty (2 each for 6-max and 9-max) for the game and 3 additional profiles used in the HUD and Popups.
- 12 HUDs of different complexity. 6 each for 6-max and 9-max.
- More than 25 tabs in the main popup + about 100 additional tabs with saisings and positions.
- Over 5,000 stats which are all in Expert Popup.
- More than 200 stats in Expert HUD.
What tracker is Cosmos Cash HUD made for?
Cosmos Cash HUD is designed for Hand2Note. At the moment the basic version of Hand2Note is completely free with no time limit. Download.
Does Cosmos Cash HUD have a free version?
Yes, the developer provides a free trial version for 10-14 days. To get it, contact our support team. In your email, please provide the email address from your Hand2Note account and the name of the HUD for which you need the free period.
Installation and customization
For installation and customization please contact:
- in discord RomanBelousov#1780;
- in telegram @RomanBelousov19;
- by e-mail [email protected].
Does Cosmos Cash HUD work with the free version of H2N?
Cosmos Cash HUD works with the free Hand2Note. In case of Hand2Note4 beta no subscription is needed.
Delivery time
In the vast majority of cases, 1-2 hours. On weekends and in exceptional situations, the timeframe may increase to 24 hours.
How to pay for Cosmos Cash HUD?
You can pay for Cosmos Cash HUD with Webmoney, Skrill, Qiwi, Neteller, YooMoney, PayPal, Visa/Master Card, other payment systems, try Cosmos Cash HUD for free and get a discount on your next purchase.
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