Partypoker software updates - MTT players will love it!
Yesterday there was news of updates to the Pokerstars client. Today we’ll tell you about the latest in Partypoker poker software. Pluralism in all directions!
By the already started KO Series Partypoker has prepared some useful changes in its poker client. First of all, they are aimed at optimizing the poker experience for players of MTT tournaments.
The client and the appearance of the tables was supplemented by:
- A special color indicator that changes color depending on the distance to the prizes. If you are still very far from the bubble and the struggle for ITM, then the color does not change. As you approach the bubble, the top of the window turns red. When hit in the prize zone - lights up in green.
- There is information about the level of blinds and the average stack of players in the tournament. This data will be shown in the upper left half of the table being played.
- The Partypoker lobby has finally added a countdown to late tournament registration. Before this innovation player has to be counted manually, guided by the clock. This was inconvenient given the differences between the local time and the internal time of the Partypoker client.
- Created a new way to place a bet called “One Click Bet”. Previously, when you chose betsizing, the first thing you had to do was choose a bet size on the slider or enter it manually; then a second click was required to complete the action. Activating the One Click Bet feature will minimize the number of clicks to one. This tool will be useful for enthusiastic multitablers and fans of fast poker. Guaranteed - some Partypoker players will fall into tilt even faster from using this function.
- Jaime Staples girlfriend will no longer suffer from playing on her Mac device. Now Partypoker client for Apple devices has become more advanced and closer in convenience to the software for Windows.
It remains only to thank the Partypoker staff for what they strive to do well for all users.
Jaime’s finger will no longer be tired and Rebecca will be pleased.
If a little more serious, then again we note the fact that part of the new tools in the Partypoker client duplicates the PartyCaption poker program. Previously, it was possible to convert stacks to the big blinds, now HUD elements are added. In any case, Partypoker software is still very far from PartyCaption. Would you like to compare? Download PartyCaption and use it, because it is free for 30 days at all limits without restrictions. For the smallest (up to NL10 in the cash game and up to $ 3 tournaments inclusive) this wonderful poker software is free on an ongoing basis.