Hand2Note Poker Tracker became free


The day before, the developers of Hand2Note announced a change in pricing policy and a general approach to promote their product in the poker software market. If previously an innovative poker tracker could be used for free on stakes up to NL25 inclusive, now the basic version of Hand2Note will work for free on all stakes and the most popular poker rooms/ networks. Everyone can download the poker program from the official site, which will allow:

  • Display a static HUD at the poker table;
  • Watch reports on the results of the session;
  • Create your own statistical indicators;
  • Update your poker tracker on a regular basis.

Not to mention 24\7 support and the largest number of poker rooms and networks on which Hand2Note works without problems. In general, you should pay tribute to the creators of Hand2Note - such massive support for poker rooms has no analogues and competitors are left far behind. The list of rooms where Hand2Note works is available here.
Nevertheless, do not blame the creators of Hand2Note for excessive altruism. To get add-ons with advanced features, 3 subscription options have been developed:

  • Hand2Note Edge (in comparison with the free version, there is a dynamic HUD, advanced statistics, EV analysis of each action and Range Research);
  • Hand2Note Asia (unlike the basic version, it supports popular Asian poker rooms/ applications. You can display statistics on PokerMaster, PPPoker, Real Poker, RedDragon, PokerClans, PokerCommunity, All-in Poker, Upoker. To enhance the effect, we recommend that you also get Hand2Note Pro.Tools ASIA HUD - if you use them in a bunch, then unfortunate Asians will run around you and shout “Gojira!”, And you just trample them at the poker table);

  • Hand2Note Pro (a combination of Hand2Note Edge and Hand2Note Asia. The maximum configuration of Hand2Note).

When paying for a one-year subscription, you can save 25% of the amount you spend on a monthly renewal.

At this pace, and even against the backdrop of a lull from competitors, the goals of Hand2Note for world domination are becoming more and more real. However, competition between poker software developers will benefit the players.

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